Note: Read the two lines before going ahead. Observation wells are maintained by Govt for recording Groundwater levels. Please dont correlate or compare with the groundwater bore levels in your place.
Chennai (levels in the 15 zones of Chennai)
Chennai City has so far got 1020 mm rainfall in 2020 North East Monsoon massive excess, half of that rains happened later from Cyclone Nivar at end of the month and from Cyclone Burevi at December 1st week. November 2017 was massive rains in the 1st week and so the Groundwater levels of November 2017 looks better in 10 of the total 15 Chennai corporation administrative zones than in 2020. But when we take December 2020, it will be the best in the last 5 years in all the zones.
In comparison with 2019, we are way way improved in the ground water levels.
Tamil Nadu (36 districts)
5 new districts have been added, so i could not go beyond 2019 for comparison. Tirupattur, Trichy, Karur which had wonderful southwest monsoon, the levels look even better now. In the north, Tiruvallur district levels are good compared to last year. Lets check the month of December when data will be out next month, we can see massive improvements as most of the rains from Nivar and Burevi happened in last few days of November and 1st week December.
Regarding more rains for Tamil Nadu, we are going to see more rains in Tamil Nadu in December last 10 days to January 1st half. Monsoon is not over yet.